Semper Fi – Semper Gumby

Although the Malvern  oBOXx office is just three miles from the West Chester office, there are days when the travel distance in order to write together in one place is just too great.  Sometimes, it’s a challenge to carve out one single block of time large enough to get inspired, concentrate, and get the writing done. 

oBOXx was inspired by a pink princess wind tunnel

Today was a perfect example.  Our start-early plans changed four times – and that all happened before noon.  When a grandchild is sick and needs you, priorities change and everything shifts.  It was time for the OBOXx team to think outside the box. OBOXX IT! We finally weaved in our block of time at 3:30 pm with Dora the Explorer dronning on in the background.  In conclusion, everything worked out. We got the assignment done and in the mail – all in less than an hour.

And that is why the oBOXx team lives by the informal US Marine Corp motto: Semper Fi, Semper Gumby. Like Gumby, we’re always flexible.

About oboxxblog

Forced to think outside the box when they were downsized from their jobs at large pharmaceutical companies in the spring of 2010, Joann Mercer and Marie Tartaglio formed a writing partnership. Whether it was coincidence, serendipity, fate, or a shared passion for words, Joann and Marie combined their writing skills and learning expertise to create oBOXx, LLC. Joann and Marie first met as freshman in high school. With careers, marriages, and the birth of children, they lost touch over the years. They met again briefly in 1999 when they worked together in the Learning and Development department at AstraZeneca. With their lives full and busy, they drifted in and out of touch over the next decade until 2010 when a downturn in the economy found them both out of work and job searching through the same employment agency. They discovered that, over the years, they had nurtured their high school passion for writing. (Their English teachers are so proud!) Independently, Joann and Marie were traveling parallel paths in creating writing. From there, it was a logical leap to form a writing partnership. This outside-the-box solution to finding work in a down turned economy gave birth to oBOXx, LLC and their journey to a best seller.
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